The true meaning of EMV

The true meaning of EMV

Is it easy to dedicate an article to the origin of the EMV standard and the meaning of its acronym?

Just three letters. A quick and direct search over the internet reveals thousands of pages with very similar results between them.

This is why today we want to teach you a completely different way of understanding the EMV standard with a distinct approach to the meaning of these letters.


In the world of EMV cards, Advantis has established itself as the leading institution that any good connoisseur of the sector thinks of.

Any financial entity that needs an EMV product or service ends up thinking of Advantis as a trusted partner for the entire card issuance process, from the first step to the delivery of the card to the end-user.

With multiple functionalities combined in a single product, our technology offers independence and scalability with a competitive model: Multi-Brand (it supports various card brands), Multi-Supplier (we work with the majority of card manufacturers and personalization bureaus) and Multi-Application (various payment applications under the same chip).

More than 1.4 billion Advantis cards in operation since 1993 endorse us.


What does the “EMV” acronym mean to Advantis?

We define this service as “Engage More Value”.

That’s right, the generic information of the EMV standard is very well known, but the service as such – complete and secure – only a trusted company like Advantis can provide it.


Some bots are capable of writing entire books by themselves, automatically, but there are still no algorithms capable of replicating more than 20 years of success within the EMV payments industry and, thus, of offering the level of our service.

The Advantis approach is straightforward:

  • We developed the operating system based on the EMV standard.
  • The operating system is embedded in a certified chip.
  • Contactless products require an antenna to connect the merchant’s terminal with the card.
  • The card manufacturer incorporates the chip and the antenna on the card based on a predefined design.
  • The perso bureau is in charge of the physical and electronic recording of the end-user data, the envelope, PIN printing, and the packaging.
  • The financial institution (issuer) sends the card to the customer.


Do you want to implement the EMV standard in your business? Drop us an email at: or reach out through our Linkedin and Twitter profiles.

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